There are a few simple secrets to making crispy baked sweet potato fries. Sweet potato fries are a terrific alternative to classic french fries. But instead of frying them in unhealthy oils, baking them in the oven is a much better option. The biggest downfall to oven baked fries is that they don’t taste as …
Side Dishes
There is nothing more comforting than taking a bite into crispy-skinned roasted potatoes only to find light, fluffy and creamy insides ready to melt in your mouth. Roasted potatoes typically take 30-45 minutes in a hot oven and requires careful watching and flipping while baking. This recipe provides you with a quick and easy method …
Spaghetti squash doesn’t have to take a long time to make. In fact, it can go from being on your counter to your plate in less than 20 minutes! Spaghetti squash is gaining in popularity with so many people wanting to eat more veggies and limit the amount of carbohydrates that they eat. However, some …
Making your own black beans doesn’t need to take all day! In fact, this recipe will show you how to take your beans from dried to tender and delicious in under 1 hour! It is a common fact that everyone knows that dried beans cost significantly less than canned beans. So why doesn’t everyone reach …